first word
this is a bit late coming but sunday, my son said his first word –HI. he said HI to me right after his bath while i was changing him. it was so cute. & kinda long drawn, like Haaiiiii… ok maybe it wasn’t a word but just one of those sounds babies make. but it really sounded like a word. & why would HI be his first word instead of say, beer or shop? well cos we always say HI ETHA*N / HI BABY / HI SON / HI & i say it the same way as he did (if he really was saying a word & not just making a sound lah)… drawn out. he said it a second time sometime during the week too. but then, you know, maybe it wasn’t really a word hehehe.
first taste of cereal
the other first is that my son ate baby rice cereal for the first time also on sunday. he didn’t quite take to it but he did have some. the face was all a-mess. i wish i had taken a picture but my camera was in the car & i didn’t want his first mouthful to be given by the maid. but you know what? after the first few mouthfuls she decided to step in anyways. i am so annoyed. & while i’m giving him a break from the spoon & giving him a few sips of milk from the bottle (which is what the books say i.e. the first few feeds is meant to familiarize your baby with the experience, not necessarily to feed him a full meal), she was tsk tsk-ing me??!! the cheek of that woman! yes, yes… i was at my mil’s again. why do i still go when i don’t like their influence on my son? well, that’s why it’s a love-hate relationship. the way i see it, i do have things to do & occasionally i need someone to babysit & who else should do it but the person i’m paying to do exactly that, right? also, at the end of the day, it’s my husband’s family home & it’s not like i’m cutting off relations with my in laws right. nanti sakit hati plak.
first full turn
when etha*n learned to turn from his back onto his tummy, it seemed like such an achievement. maybe because of the dramatization on his part hehehe. to turn required all the grunts & screams he could muster. so loud & noisy was he that when he finally managed to get onto his tummy, it was like “yayyy baabyyy!”. after that, it looked like he was also trying flip over onto his back but no more drama so i haven’t really been paying attention. maybe also because i’m not around him to notice. but yesterday, he did it!! almost effortlessly. no screaming required. it’s still funny to watch though cos his bum is up in the air & the intricate crossing of the legs & ankles in order for him to flip back is amazing. i know for us adults its like oh no biggie lah right but this is a baby who is just learning to do things.
better hand / finger control
etha*n is now also better able to grab with his fingers. the most prominent is when i’m feeding him & he’ll grab my hands to either push away the milk bottle or to put it into his mouth. push + pull. then sometimes one hand is searching for my finger to hold on to while hes drinking his milk. & boy can he pinch. & punch. sometimes im punched in the eye while im sleeping & hes trying to get my attention. hihihi… the husband said we have to get him some grabbing toys soon. what are grabbing toys?
this is a bit late coming but sunday, my son said his first word –HI. he said HI to me right after his bath while i was changing him. it was so cute. & kinda long drawn, like Haaiiiii… ok maybe it wasn’t a word but just one of those sounds babies make. but it really sounded like a word. & why would HI be his first word instead of say, beer or shop? well cos we always say HI ETHA*N / HI BABY / HI SON / HI & i say it the same way as he did (if he really was saying a word & not just making a sound lah)… drawn out. he said it a second time sometime during the week too. but then, you know, maybe it wasn’t really a word hehehe.
first taste of cereal
the other first is that my son ate baby rice cereal for the first time also on sunday. he didn’t quite take to it but he did have some. the face was all a-mess. i wish i had taken a picture but my camera was in the car & i didn’t want his first mouthful to be given by the maid. but you know what? after the first few mouthfuls she decided to step in anyways. i am so annoyed. & while i’m giving him a break from the spoon & giving him a few sips of milk from the bottle (which is what the books say i.e. the first few feeds is meant to familiarize your baby with the experience, not necessarily to feed him a full meal), she was tsk tsk-ing me??!! the cheek of that woman! yes, yes… i was at my mil’s again. why do i still go when i don’t like their influence on my son? well, that’s why it’s a love-hate relationship. the way i see it, i do have things to do & occasionally i need someone to babysit & who else should do it but the person i’m paying to do exactly that, right? also, at the end of the day, it’s my husband’s family home & it’s not like i’m cutting off relations with my in laws right. nanti sakit hati plak.
first full turn
when etha*n learned to turn from his back onto his tummy, it seemed like such an achievement. maybe because of the dramatization on his part hehehe. to turn required all the grunts & screams he could muster. so loud & noisy was he that when he finally managed to get onto his tummy, it was like “yayyy baabyyy!”. after that, it looked like he was also trying flip over onto his back but no more drama so i haven’t really been paying attention. maybe also because i’m not around him to notice. but yesterday, he did it!! almost effortlessly. no screaming required. it’s still funny to watch though cos his bum is up in the air & the intricate crossing of the legs & ankles in order for him to flip back is amazing. i know for us adults its like oh no biggie lah right but this is a baby who is just learning to do things.
better hand / finger control
etha*n is now also better able to grab with his fingers. the most prominent is when i’m feeding him & he’ll grab my hands to either push away the milk bottle or to put it into his mouth. push + pull. then sometimes one hand is searching for my finger to hold on to while hes drinking his milk. & boy can he pinch. & punch. sometimes im punched in the eye while im sleeping & hes trying to get my attention. hihihi… the husband said we have to get him some grabbing toys soon. what are grabbing toys?
lets hope all this hand/finger control wont lead him to flick the finger at someone haha.
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