- he clasps his hands in front of him & starts staring at his mittens with such concentration that i myself start looking at them.
-he sucks on his fore arm instead of his mittens. maybe because i keep telling him he cant suck on his mittens.
- he sleeps by hiding his face on my chest or shoulder –yes hiding. with the nose penyet-ed on me. which is cute but also worrying. i worry that he cant breathe and i worry that his nose will be permanently flattened. haha.
- i think hes teething cos he seems to want to bite us. & he drools all the time.
- he has a temper –omg does he have a temper. he must get this from me lah ni.
- hes trying to sit up on his own which is also worrying cos he is forever curled into a sitting position now. takuts nanti hunched?
- he knows us. i notice that he will calm down when i take him. & he looks at me instead of anyone else. & when his dad comes, he will give a toothless smile. but then again, he smiles all the time. hmm..
last weekend we had a bit of a scare with him. he was throwing up his milk at each and every feed. and his stool was dark green to the point of being black (I would post a picture of it here but it might disgust you hehe). we wanted to take him to the clinic but the few we went to was closed for the long weekend. however upon consultation with those in-the-know (i.e. medical school dropouts), ethan could’ve been shocked (terkejut) or masuk angin. apparently when babies are shocked they are unsettled & the blackish stool is actually bile. and the puke is also yellow. not milky white but bile yellow. so sad ok. towards the end tu, when he was puking bile instead of milk, i was crying while he was puking. susah my hati.
this all started on saturday night cos we took him to his uncle’s house at about 730pm. he started puking at 930pm and only stopped puking the next morning. not lah puke continuously but right after his feeds. and he pukes out of the nose as well. then he’ll cry so pitifully –so heart wrenching ok. & I’ll be holding him to my chest with the puke drenching both of us. I can’t even put him down or pass him to the husband as he doesn’t want me to let go. so sweet hor but so very very kasian like that.
the kadazans/chinese/malays/indians all believe almost the same thing:
i) kadazans – masuk angin or something shocked him
ii) chinese – terkejut cos something shocked him
iii) indians – don’t take him out at night because there are “things” roaming about & children are more sensitive to this than adults
iv) malays – taking him out at about 7-730pm is not a good time because there are “things” roaming about
v) indonesian – masuk angin or something shocked him
im not gonna argue with anything. so i'll just play it safe for now. i mean maybe this is all superstition but surely theres some scientific logic behind it right, as with most superstition.
its amazing how fast time has flown & how big he is now. he'll turn 4months next week. i wonder what new things are gonna happen. but in my readings, the turning 4months apparently brings with it many challenges. crankiness, changing sleep & feed habits etc. sebab tunggu gigi keluar i suppose & theres a growth spurt in the 4th month.
so, heres to more change. i hope we'll survive it!
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