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Monday, December 10, 2007


i cried watching an indonesian soap last week. i cried watching a hindi movie yesterday. i cried reading about people crying. i cried when the husband said he wasnt in the mood for christmas (although i have since enforced the everyone-must-have-christmas-mood-during-advent ruling in my household). i cry while im puking. i cry at night because of my rashes. i cry when i read about the state of politics in this country (stupid administration --hope you all pay for your political sins in hell).

in short. i like to cry these days.

oh ya, & i get worked up easily too. i mean my temper flares together with my nostrils.

last night, the husband said he would get me some kfc on the way back from work. well, although i knew he would only reach home at about 945pm - 10pm, for some reason, i got angry with him for not coming back with the kfc in time for dinner at about 8pm. bodos kan me? he ONLY finishes work at 9pm. & usually only leaves the office at 920pm cos he has to lock-up after everyone leaves for the day. so how could he have brought me dinner at 8pm?

oh by the way, the nausea is worsened when i dont eat i.e. when i'm hungry.

when he called me on the way home, i sulkingly told him "no need to get me the kfc now! who eats dinner at 10pm??" then when he got home, he was kind enough to offer to make me something to eat & i said "no need!" when he persevered i screamed "no need!!! i dowan!!! i cannot eat already now! & dont talk to me!!! i cannot talk!!! i feel like puking!! dont talk!!"

hehehe... poor thing kan. & when i ran to the toilet to puke, he dutifully came & rubbed my back.

this morning i apologized for being cranky.

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