my son seems more attached to his father than he is to me. despite me being the one who is with him more. i am a tad jealous. just a tad. sometimes i wonder, what is it that i'm doing that makes him take me for granted? because thats what i think it is. because i'm always there for him that mine is not a novel face, being with me is not a novel experience to him. he has gotten used to my being available.
its not neccessarily a bad thing (i suppose), as it probably means that baby is more confident that i'm there no matter what (excluding the hours that i'm at work lah ya). it isnt that the husband is never around. he is available subject to his working hours, just as i am. the only difference is, i work the normal malaysian 9-530pm while he works from 12noon-9pm. & by the time he reaches home, etha*n is almost asleep. so whenever he does see his father, wow... the smile on the face. the love on the face. the laughter of joy. & the husband revels in it :-)... it is lovely to see.
but i am human. so i get a bit jealous every now & then.
however, my consolation is this: etha*n looks for me when its bedtime. i believe he has come to understand the concept of time & schedule & knows when its time to turn in for the night. & when im not there on hand at the appointed hour, i can hear him whining while the father tries to pacify him. & once im within sight, wow... the smile on the face. the love on the face. & the laughter... yes, he laughs as if saying "phew... there you are!!"
Thursday, August 27, 2009
mummy dresses me up
why etha*n goes to a babysitter
well, it’s a long long long story which i’m too lazy to expound on. actually i’ve already expounded it to the death before this haha.
here’s the short version.
- we applied for a maid.
- etha*n went back to sabah with my parents for 3 weeks.
- he came back to kl again with my mom.
- the maid finally came, 2 months late.
- she was real crap.
- she ran away.
- we were relieved haha…
- we found a babysitter.
- but we still have to look for a maid for the long term.
so that’s the story. it has been many months of heart-sickness for us. what with the h1n1 situation limiting our choices. our first option was just to send him to a nursery. he could make friends which he’ll love. but then the schools & universities started closing. & we got a bit worried for obvious reasons. so, back to the drawing board. i drove around the neighbourhood looking for babysitters. driving and squinting my eyes looking at those hand-made signboards you know. lorry for rent. pajak gadai. personal loans etc. sigh…
then, one night as i got into the apartment lift, i bumped into a neighbour whose mother i knew was a housewife. i just didn’t know whether she was already taking care of her own grandkids. & i asked. & she said yes. its no wonder they say, “if you don’t ask, you wont know”.
so, to those of you with childcare issues: good luck & remember, ask & ye shall find.
here’s the short version.
- we applied for a maid.
- etha*n went back to sabah with my parents for 3 weeks.
- he came back to kl again with my mom.
- the maid finally came, 2 months late.
- she was real crap.
- she ran away.
- we were relieved haha…
- we found a babysitter.
- but we still have to look for a maid for the long term.
so that’s the story. it has been many months of heart-sickness for us. what with the h1n1 situation limiting our choices. our first option was just to send him to a nursery. he could make friends which he’ll love. but then the schools & universities started closing. & we got a bit worried for obvious reasons. so, back to the drawing board. i drove around the neighbourhood looking for babysitters. driving and squinting my eyes looking at those hand-made signboards you know. lorry for rent. pajak gadai. personal loans etc. sigh…
then, one night as i got into the apartment lift, i bumped into a neighbour whose mother i knew was a housewife. i just didn’t know whether she was already taking care of her own grandkids. & i asked. & she said yes. its no wonder they say, “if you don’t ask, you wont know”.
so, to those of you with childcare issues: good luck & remember, ask & ye shall find.
etha*n goes to the babysitter
this week i join the throngs of people who send their kids to a babysitter. i found one who lives where i live, just 3 floors down. she also takes care of ethan alone. happiness.
when we dropped him off that first morning, he was ok. such a frofesenel. he smiled, came to the front door, waved us off & walked back in. not a single tear. when i called at noon, she reported that ethan didn’t cry at all. everything went business as usual. the only change is the caregiver’s face and the address.
i wish to thank god for giving me such a conveniently-located babysitter who’s softspoken & nice & who kindly accepted our proposed fee although other babysitters in the building charge double the amount. bless her soul & her family. i must bake her a cake. better to just buy one for her.
i wish also to thank God for etha*ns good behaviour. i would’ve been heartbroken if he had cried that first time. but he didn’t. pheww!!
blessed be.
when we dropped him off that first morning, he was ok. such a frofesenel. he smiled, came to the front door, waved us off & walked back in. not a single tear. when i called at noon, she reported that ethan didn’t cry at all. everything went business as usual. the only change is the caregiver’s face and the address.
i wish to thank god for giving me such a conveniently-located babysitter who’s softspoken & nice & who kindly accepted our proposed fee although other babysitters in the building charge double the amount. bless her soul & her family. i must bake her a cake. better to just buy one for her.
i wish also to thank God for etha*ns good behaviour. i would’ve been heartbroken if he had cried that first time. but he didn’t. pheww!!
blessed be.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
etha*n is 13mths old
the boy is learning how to speak. although, hes not saying any words. just making sounds with intonations and inflections similar to adults talking. its kinda funny cos hes actually only really really really familiar with 2 words i.e. mama & dada. so, he’ll make these sing-song kinda sounds as if hes really talking and inserts the mama & dada liberally. e.g. "wooahhh wooahh mama de dadada!!" or "wah wah wah dada de mamama!!"
his comprehension is more sophisticated now & he can understand when we tell him things. like make a fist (so mummy can slid the watch over it). or put your arms up (so i can pull your t-shirt off). he can apparently also ask for things himself. this is according to my mom lah –he’ll give a little squeak to get your attention & then point to his mouth indicating that he wants his doggone pacifier. He can say more words like “hi”, “bye”, “wowow” which means dog. hes quite the mischievous little fella too and will try to pit me against his father. i’ll ask him to say “mama” & he’ll say “dada” instead –all the time with a cheeky smile as if he knows that it would annoy me.
his comprehension is more sophisticated now & he can understand when we tell him things. like make a fist (so mummy can slid the watch over it). or put your arms up (so i can pull your t-shirt off). he can apparently also ask for things himself. this is according to my mom lah –he’ll give a little squeak to get your attention & then point to his mouth indicating that he wants his doggone pacifier. He can say more words like “hi”, “bye”, “wowow” which means dog. hes quite the mischievous little fella too and will try to pit me against his father. i’ll ask him to say “mama” & he’ll say “dada” instead –all the time with a cheeky smile as if he knows that it would annoy me.
well, it does a little bit. but then comes bedtime & he’ll come looking for me. although there’s a tad bit of envy, i do so love seeing how excited he gets when he sees his dada. suddenly theres this big smile & the jumping & dancing begins. dadadaaaa!
his father is his best friend like that. even when i take him into bed with us when he gets up in the wee hours of the morning, he’ll roll over to his dada. methinks its because dada is hairy-er than mama & provide more fuzzy comfort. but alls well. sometimes he’ll walk about the living room & suddenly launches himself into my arms for a hug or comes & gives my knee a hug or puts his head on my lap in a manja manner while looking at his father’s reaction from the corner of his eye.
now that hes better at walking on his own, he tries to multi-task by carrying a toy & walking at the same time. so funny to see cos he’s still learning how to balance himself & yet there he is carrying something heavy (for his age). so basically he walks a little senget. hihihi.
i’m trying to get him to eat different things like yogurt or cheese or baby biscuits (which can be a bit masam-ish) or to drink some vitagen. but he doesn’t seem to quite like them. its because my mom only gives him bland food i guess. growing up, it wasn’t common for us to have yogurt or cheese at home. i’m not forcing these new things on him because i’m kiasu. i just want him not to be too pampered with getting only what hes used to or likes. i want him to learn to eat whatever is available. of course i realize hes still young, so i am taking it slowly. he does take things when he sees us eating it. even if its something different to what he usually has. if i have yogurt & feed him from my cup, hes fine. but if he sees that its just for him, he gets a bit suspicious.
i’ve also just started him on scotts emulsion cod liver oil in orange. because i don’t want him to drool it all over his baju, i use a syringe. & of course that’s always viewed with much suspicion mah. hopefully, he’ll learn to like it. kids these days don’t know how lucky they are. i remember having the scotts emulsion in the original flavour. oh yuck. how i would gag every single time.
etha*ns had his first punishment. a 5-minute time-out for throwing his toys indiscriminately. we put him in his high-chair and made him face a corner & ignored him for 5 minutes. although i was always watching over him. so i was able to see the whining & the gestures to try to get me to pay him some attention. when the 5 minutes was up & the safety harness came off, he was scrambling up my arms in a jiffy. did it stop him from throwing things? nope. hehehe… more time-outs before that will happen. as usual, when we mentioned our discipline session, grandma said: poor thing, still so young.
his father is his best friend like that. even when i take him into bed with us when he gets up in the wee hours of the morning, he’ll roll over to his dada. methinks its because dada is hairy-er than mama & provide more fuzzy comfort. but alls well. sometimes he’ll walk about the living room & suddenly launches himself into my arms for a hug or comes & gives my knee a hug or puts his head on my lap in a manja manner while looking at his father’s reaction from the corner of his eye.
now that hes better at walking on his own, he tries to multi-task by carrying a toy & walking at the same time. so funny to see cos he’s still learning how to balance himself & yet there he is carrying something heavy (for his age). so basically he walks a little senget. hihihi.
i’m trying to get him to eat different things like yogurt or cheese or baby biscuits (which can be a bit masam-ish) or to drink some vitagen. but he doesn’t seem to quite like them. its because my mom only gives him bland food i guess. growing up, it wasn’t common for us to have yogurt or cheese at home. i’m not forcing these new things on him because i’m kiasu. i just want him not to be too pampered with getting only what hes used to or likes. i want him to learn to eat whatever is available. of course i realize hes still young, so i am taking it slowly. he does take things when he sees us eating it. even if its something different to what he usually has. if i have yogurt & feed him from my cup, hes fine. but if he sees that its just for him, he gets a bit suspicious.
i’ve also just started him on scotts emulsion cod liver oil in orange. because i don’t want him to drool it all over his baju, i use a syringe. & of course that’s always viewed with much suspicion mah. hopefully, he’ll learn to like it. kids these days don’t know how lucky they are. i remember having the scotts emulsion in the original flavour. oh yuck. how i would gag every single time.
etha*ns had his first punishment. a 5-minute time-out for throwing his toys indiscriminately. we put him in his high-chair and made him face a corner & ignored him for 5 minutes. although i was always watching over him. so i was able to see the whining & the gestures to try to get me to pay him some attention. when the 5 minutes was up & the safety harness came off, he was scrambling up my arms in a jiffy. did it stop him from throwing things? nope. hehehe… more time-outs before that will happen. as usual, when we mentioned our discipline session, grandma said: poor thing, still so young.
Monday, August 10, 2009
etha*n is 1year old - III
and here are pictures of his actual day itself:

i'm also a little bit sleepy

can you see my sleepy eyes?

but mummy insists on taking pictures

since i love her, i'll oblige with a smile

here are my adidas sandals from grandma

i'm a brave little cowboy, yeehawww!

giddy-up horsey!
mummy & daddy were so broke after my party, they just got me a cupcake. cheapskates.
i took a lick of the cream just to see how it tastes like
i wasnt very happy with my cupcake so i refused to smile
bonding with mummy
uh-oh. the lick of the cupcake gave me a double-chin
i love mummys face so i cupped it with my feet
etha*n is 1year old - II
pictures of the day after when we finally managed to lug his gifts home for him to open.

love 'em books
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
etha*n is 1year old - I

been meaning to update etha*ns progress but july has been such a superbly busy month for us as a family.
my son has finally turned 1 on 13 july 2009. as that fell on a monday, we had a lovely birthday party 2 days prior i.e. on the saturday which was also my 32nd birthday. we had lots of kids and adults alike. with a football-ball themed cake and lfc-themed cupcakes. some were great sports and came dressed in accordance with the birthday theme which was football. my little family of three wore liverpool jerseys. mine bought at the pasar malam in kota damansara. my family came from sabah to help us celebrate and so it was full house for us for the first 2 weeks of july. my parents stayed on longer. in fact my mom is only leaving for sabah in a few more weeks. also the maid came, and left, and came back, and left again… story for another entry this.
ok so, we had his birthday party at my mil’s. here are some pictures of the party in no particular order:
my son has finally turned 1 on 13 july 2009. as that fell on a monday, we had a lovely birthday party 2 days prior i.e. on the saturday which was also my 32nd birthday. we had lots of kids and adults alike. with a football-ball themed cake and lfc-themed cupcakes. some were great sports and came dressed in accordance with the birthday theme which was football. my little family of three wore liverpool jerseys. mine bought at the pasar malam in kota damansara. my family came from sabah to help us celebrate and so it was full house for us for the first 2 weeks of july. my parents stayed on longer. in fact my mom is only leaving for sabah in a few more weeks. also the maid came, and left, and came back, and left again… story for another entry this.
ok so, we had his birthday party at my mil’s. here are some pictures of the party in no particular order:

my youngest brother. people say we look alike but i think hes not as pretty as i am ;p

with my mom & mom-in-law
these were the lfc-themed cupcakes. wish the photographer had taken a better pic
we blow mummys 3big + 2small candles

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