Thursday, May 28, 2009
etha*n is 10months old
well, at this point he is already 10mths + 3wks old. i usually take a picture of him on the actual day he turns a new month but as he was in sabah then, i couldnt & my parents aren’t very camera savvy or into all this picture taking etc & i doubt they’ll see the importance of it (to me). but my son is back home with us now. i took 2 days leave from work to spend some time with him & i am happy to report that he has been very attached to me in that 2 days. oh what a balm to my heart :-). he came back looking cheekier than ever. he’s wriggly-er than ever too.
apparently, he took his first step about a couple of days before flying back here. he was cruising while holding onto some furniture as babies do at this point and didn’t realize that he took a step forward without holding onto something. he got a shock of his life and sat back down hahaha. so farnee the description. i missed that & felt a bit sad that we didnt get to see him learning and discovering new things in the 3 weeks that he was away. sobs. as consolation, i tell myself that i’ve actually seen him do it in his playpen. letting go and taking a step to the other side. and the look on his face then. so happy like that. he doesn’t quite like being in his playpen anymore. it also doesn’t help that the playpen i got for our apartment is smaller than the one in my mil’s & the one in sabah (well, it is an apartment & i got it just to contain him). so, these days i let him crawl about on the bare floor. thank the lucky stars for vacuum cleaners haha. i’ve always been one to sweep instead of to vacuum but now it is the more convenient option. i have to see to baby-proofing the place though.
err… i guess he’s also said his first word(s) which is “mama”, “dada”, “mummy” & “daddy”. i cant exactly pin-point when this all started because, honestly, i cant tell whether he says these things knowing that they refer to mother & father or if they’re just sounds that he makes. however, i was sick sometime last month with excruciating tummy pains & couldn’t handle him for one weekend. & he himself was also sick then. so the husband & my mil had to bathe, feed, medicate & rock him to sleep. expectedly, a sick baby would be cranky & clingy to his mother & that whole day he was crying & crying & calling out “mamaaaa” and when my mil was feeding him his meds he actually said “mummmmmyyy” while crying. no joke ok. & it wasn’t just in my drug-induced mind either. the husband & the mil heard it too.
etha*ns also started screaming just for the fun of it. sometimes he screams because we encourage it by laughing. well, it is cute. & literature says that this is all part of him vocalizing. so i don’t think i’ll be putting a cork in it anytime soon for fear of spoiling him. he gets up really early in the morning to play (which is unlike him but i’m told that babies change habits all the time). he shouts & babbles & wriggles from me to the husband & back. he’ll give his father a slap or two to wake him up, pulls my hair as if it’s the most entertaining thing to do. he’ll go around the bed looking for things to play with (my glasses, handphone, book, hairband, a/c remote). it was amusing while i was on leave but now that i’m back at work, i’m feeling the pain haha. the husband has the worst of it & wakes up feeling so lethargic. honestly i don’t know why considering he sleeps while i entertain etha*n in the wee hours of the morning. tsk tsk… men!!
food-wise, i’ve stopped mashing his porridge into a fine paste but instead let him eat it as it is (of course, the porridge is cooked till the rice is no longer grainy & the vegetables are soft). my mom thinks its too early & that i should wait till he’s 1year old before i stop mashing his food. however, my justification is this: he snacks on adult food like rice, cream crackers, bread, wafers. & he happily chews on them even if he doesn’t have any molars yet. so why should we regress to fine-textured foods instead of progressing forward? anyways, i’ve even bought him some heinz baby pasta with the accompanying pumpkin & basil cream sauce to try. but i think my mom is not very keen on it so i’ll give it a go during the weekend when i’m at home.
bath-time-wise, etha*n takes showers now instead of baths. i still let him sit in his tub but i leave the tub-hole unplugged & shower him cos this way i’ll be sure he’s not peeing in his bathwater haha. but he does so enjoy being immersed in water so i suppose i’ll let him have his way occasionally. but my oh my, changing him out of and into his diaper & clothes is a real challenge. my wriggler of a son just cannot keep still. in kadazan, we call this “ouk miton” meaning cannot (ouk) be still (miton) or often times we say “cacing kepanasan”.
etha*ns favorite show is jengjengjeng... american idol & his favorite channel is channel 705 which is switched on every morning for him in sabah. it was amusing but now i’m trying to keep that to a minimum & putting on some child-friendly dvds. i’m so not good at doing whats best for him like reading, child-friendly shows, developmental toys. but then again, he doesn’t care about his toys; instead he prefers every day things like remote controls, phones, his milk bottle cap, his feeding bowl. oh yeah, his father’s glasses & my hair.
ok thats long enough an entry. i’ll load some new pictures in the next entry.
apparently, he took his first step about a couple of days before flying back here. he was cruising while holding onto some furniture as babies do at this point and didn’t realize that he took a step forward without holding onto something. he got a shock of his life and sat back down hahaha. so farnee the description. i missed that & felt a bit sad that we didnt get to see him learning and discovering new things in the 3 weeks that he was away. sobs. as consolation, i tell myself that i’ve actually seen him do it in his playpen. letting go and taking a step to the other side. and the look on his face then. so happy like that. he doesn’t quite like being in his playpen anymore. it also doesn’t help that the playpen i got for our apartment is smaller than the one in my mil’s & the one in sabah (well, it is an apartment & i got it just to contain him). so, these days i let him crawl about on the bare floor. thank the lucky stars for vacuum cleaners haha. i’ve always been one to sweep instead of to vacuum but now it is the more convenient option. i have to see to baby-proofing the place though.
err… i guess he’s also said his first word(s) which is “mama”, “dada”, “mummy” & “daddy”. i cant exactly pin-point when this all started because, honestly, i cant tell whether he says these things knowing that they refer to mother & father or if they’re just sounds that he makes. however, i was sick sometime last month with excruciating tummy pains & couldn’t handle him for one weekend. & he himself was also sick then. so the husband & my mil had to bathe, feed, medicate & rock him to sleep. expectedly, a sick baby would be cranky & clingy to his mother & that whole day he was crying & crying & calling out “mamaaaa” and when my mil was feeding him his meds he actually said “mummmmmyyy” while crying. no joke ok. & it wasn’t just in my drug-induced mind either. the husband & the mil heard it too.
etha*ns also started screaming just for the fun of it. sometimes he screams because we encourage it by laughing. well, it is cute. & literature says that this is all part of him vocalizing. so i don’t think i’ll be putting a cork in it anytime soon for fear of spoiling him. he gets up really early in the morning to play (which is unlike him but i’m told that babies change habits all the time). he shouts & babbles & wriggles from me to the husband & back. he’ll give his father a slap or two to wake him up, pulls my hair as if it’s the most entertaining thing to do. he’ll go around the bed looking for things to play with (my glasses, handphone, book, hairband, a/c remote). it was amusing while i was on leave but now that i’m back at work, i’m feeling the pain haha. the husband has the worst of it & wakes up feeling so lethargic. honestly i don’t know why considering he sleeps while i entertain etha*n in the wee hours of the morning. tsk tsk… men!!
food-wise, i’ve stopped mashing his porridge into a fine paste but instead let him eat it as it is (of course, the porridge is cooked till the rice is no longer grainy & the vegetables are soft). my mom thinks its too early & that i should wait till he’s 1year old before i stop mashing his food. however, my justification is this: he snacks on adult food like rice, cream crackers, bread, wafers. & he happily chews on them even if he doesn’t have any molars yet. so why should we regress to fine-textured foods instead of progressing forward? anyways, i’ve even bought him some heinz baby pasta with the accompanying pumpkin & basil cream sauce to try. but i think my mom is not very keen on it so i’ll give it a go during the weekend when i’m at home.
bath-time-wise, etha*n takes showers now instead of baths. i still let him sit in his tub but i leave the tub-hole unplugged & shower him cos this way i’ll be sure he’s not peeing in his bathwater haha. but he does so enjoy being immersed in water so i suppose i’ll let him have his way occasionally. but my oh my, changing him out of and into his diaper & clothes is a real challenge. my wriggler of a son just cannot keep still. in kadazan, we call this “ouk miton” meaning cannot (ouk) be still (miton) or often times we say “cacing kepanasan”.
etha*ns favorite show is jengjengjeng... american idol & his favorite channel is channel 705 which is switched on every morning for him in sabah. it was amusing but now i’m trying to keep that to a minimum & putting on some child-friendly dvds. i’m so not good at doing whats best for him like reading, child-friendly shows, developmental toys. but then again, he doesn’t care about his toys; instead he prefers every day things like remote controls, phones, his milk bottle cap, his feeding bowl. oh yeah, his father’s glasses & my hair.
ok thats long enough an entry. i’ll load some new pictures in the next entry.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
my first mother's day
i know this is a little late but happy mothers day & hope you got to spend it enjoyably with your kids.
as i’ve mentioned, my son is in sabah for 3 weeks. after his 1st week there, the husband decided i was just too miserable & bought me a return ticket to kk as a moms day treat. so i flew back to kk on thursday night, spent the weekend & moms day (my first ever ;p) & came back on monday night.
etha*n is really having a good time there & is very attached to his grandfather which i think is cute (but i get very jealous of his bond with other women, yes, including his grandmothers –sue me). etha*n will be back in kl this saturday… phew… i miss him so much & i cannot wait. i call him about 4 times a day but my conversations with him makes me sound like a monkey haha. & i think my family back in sabah are tired of picking up my calls.
here are some pictures of etha*n in sabah:
as i’ve mentioned, my son is in sabah for 3 weeks. after his 1st week there, the husband decided i was just too miserable & bought me a return ticket to kk as a moms day treat. so i flew back to kk on thursday night, spent the weekend & moms day (my first ever ;p) & came back on monday night.
etha*n is really having a good time there & is very attached to his grandfather which i think is cute (but i get very jealous of his bond with other women, yes, including his grandmothers –sue me). etha*n will be back in kl this saturday… phew… i miss him so much & i cannot wait. i call him about 4 times a day but my conversations with him makes me sound like a monkey haha. & i think my family back in sabah are tired of picking up my calls.
here are some pictures of etha*n in sabah:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
childcare woes
in my previous entries i made some mention of driving helter-skelter all over the world and ethan going away on a holiday. so heres the elaboration on my references.
for the later part of 2008 and earlier part of 2009, etha*n has been cared for by my mil's maid while im at work. this maid's working permit is due to expire at the end of this month i.e. may09. some time in march09, she decided to buat hal again (not sure if i want to go into what the hal was now because macam malas mau type but see how i feel at the end of this entry ya). so, the husband and i decided we had enough of the sakit hati-ness of dealing with a rogue maid and asked my parents to babysit etha*n till our new maid arrives this month.
my parents came here in march09 to take care of my puchong sister's 2 kids as their maid had gone back to indonesia for a 6-week holiday. so the logistics were such that etha*n would sleep nights in puchong from sunday to wednesday. he would then sleep nights in kepong with us from thursday to saturday. i would visit him everyday after work and leave him again to get the husband from the office.
you might wonder, why didnt we just stay in puchong with him. well, my sister's house was packed with people lah with my parents and etha*n there as well as his playpen, walker, stroller etc. also, we only have 1 car and the husband's daily work hours are 12noon - 9pm. typically, i take the car to work in the morning while he takes the train and i get him at his office when his day ends. if we had stayed in puchong, the husband wouldnt have access to a train station (puchong mah) unless he comes with me early in the morning and i drop him off somewhere. so with etha*n in puchong, i travel from kepong (home) to pj (work) to puchong (son) to kl (husband) to kepong (home). tiring? of course. but i felt much better that my son was with my parents than with the cuckoo-bird of a maid.
ok so that was puchong. now, my sister's maid has comeback from her holiday and my parents relocated (hihihi) to kepong for 2weeks. 2weeks only because they had to go back to sabah this month. so, since my maid is only arriving this month end (and even she came earlier i still wouldnt leave etha*n alone with her just yet), we let etha*n go off with his gramps and grampy for a holiday. sobs. i'll be spending my 1st mother's day without my son also. sobs sobs. we sent him off to the airport last friday. there were no tears (im so proud of myself). but he didnt cry either... tsk... im "sorta" proud of him (i think) for not being cranky and going off without a fuss but im also worried that he wont miss me. so insecure i tell you hehehe. but its only for 3weeks cos then my mom will be coming back here to help me train my maid for 2months. phew!!
etha*n is having a gala of a time in sabah apparently. he hardly cries although sometimes he looks like hes "searching" especially when he gets up from his sleep. he was afraid of one of my brothers (the one thats LEAST scary pulak tu) but i've been informed that they're "best friends" now... after my brother took him to see the chickens, cat and dog. (no my family do not live on a farm... hehe... just a kampung and stray animals often come into the compound. freedom mah). so yeah, etha*n is settling in well. i call them about 5x a day hehe... macam lah the baby can talk to me. but i can hear him jabbering away in the background and thats enough. he has a different group of audience every day with my relatives coming to visit in the throngs. not because of etha*n necessarily but because my parents have been away for months. i keep asking my parent "dapat angpow kah??!" hihi... mata duitan lah i ni.
everyone tells me that this is a chance for me & the husband to re-bond & yes, its nice to have some time alone without having to rush over baby and being snipe-y at each other because we're exhausted. but i still miss my son. there are 2 sets of dirty baju which we saved to take to bed every night. hahaha... funny? yes...
now im contemplating on paying rm600 to go back to sabah for mother's day...
for the later part of 2008 and earlier part of 2009, etha*n has been cared for by my mil's maid while im at work. this maid's working permit is due to expire at the end of this month i.e. may09. some time in march09, she decided to buat hal again (not sure if i want to go into what the hal was now because macam malas mau type but see how i feel at the end of this entry ya). so, the husband and i decided we had enough of the sakit hati-ness of dealing with a rogue maid and asked my parents to babysit etha*n till our new maid arrives this month.
my parents came here in march09 to take care of my puchong sister's 2 kids as their maid had gone back to indonesia for a 6-week holiday. so the logistics were such that etha*n would sleep nights in puchong from sunday to wednesday. he would then sleep nights in kepong with us from thursday to saturday. i would visit him everyday after work and leave him again to get the husband from the office.
you might wonder, why didnt we just stay in puchong with him. well, my sister's house was packed with people lah with my parents and etha*n there as well as his playpen, walker, stroller etc. also, we only have 1 car and the husband's daily work hours are 12noon - 9pm. typically, i take the car to work in the morning while he takes the train and i get him at his office when his day ends. if we had stayed in puchong, the husband wouldnt have access to a train station (puchong mah) unless he comes with me early in the morning and i drop him off somewhere. so with etha*n in puchong, i travel from kepong (home) to pj (work) to puchong (son) to kl (husband) to kepong (home). tiring? of course. but i felt much better that my son was with my parents than with the cuckoo-bird of a maid.
ok so that was puchong. now, my sister's maid has comeback from her holiday and my parents relocated (hihihi) to kepong for 2weeks. 2weeks only because they had to go back to sabah this month. so, since my maid is only arriving this month end (and even she came earlier i still wouldnt leave etha*n alone with her just yet), we let etha*n go off with his gramps and grampy for a holiday. sobs. i'll be spending my 1st mother's day without my son also. sobs sobs. we sent him off to the airport last friday. there were no tears (im so proud of myself). but he didnt cry either... tsk... im "sorta" proud of him (i think) for not being cranky and going off without a fuss but im also worried that he wont miss me. so insecure i tell you hehehe. but its only for 3weeks cos then my mom will be coming back here to help me train my maid for 2months. phew!!
etha*n is having a gala of a time in sabah apparently. he hardly cries although sometimes he looks like hes "searching" especially when he gets up from his sleep. he was afraid of one of my brothers (the one thats LEAST scary pulak tu) but i've been informed that they're "best friends" now... after my brother took him to see the chickens, cat and dog. (no my family do not live on a farm... hehe... just a kampung and stray animals often come into the compound. freedom mah). so yeah, etha*n is settling in well. i call them about 5x a day hehe... macam lah the baby can talk to me. but i can hear him jabbering away in the background and thats enough. he has a different group of audience every day with my relatives coming to visit in the throngs. not because of etha*n necessarily but because my parents have been away for months. i keep asking my parent "dapat angpow kah??!" hihi... mata duitan lah i ni.
everyone tells me that this is a chance for me & the husband to re-bond & yes, its nice to have some time alone without having to rush over baby and being snipe-y at each other because we're exhausted. but i still miss my son. there are 2 sets of dirty baju which we saved to take to bed every night. hahaha... funny? yes...
now im contemplating on paying rm600 to go back to sabah for mother's day...
ethans 9mths in pictures
a bit lidut in uploading pictures this time around. no time lah but i'll get into that later. here are some pictures of my 9mth old son.

(i was in such a hurry to capture the moment that the picture became blurred &
STILL i didnt quite capture it)

(but my son is a camera freak & smiles as soon as he sees one)

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