some day when my son is older, he will read this & think my madre said "anal".
he is nearly 10weeks old & i am already planning his first birthday. oh well, better to be prepared right? right.
we've decided on the theme & even his attire for the day. we already have an idea of what kind of entertainment he'll have. in fact, i've already started on the guest list (?!!??) & we're about to buy the party supplies.
lucky kid.
saiko mom.
anyways, ive also made a list of things to pack for our trip back to sabah. if i was totally without control, i would've already started packing now. hihihi... actualllllyyyy... i already put his clothes aside. in fact, we've already bought his christmas baju. timberland summore. omg im gonna spoil him silly. how lah this? but but but... theres hope for me still cos i havent bought his attire for my brother's wedding. but hmm... when shall i do that? i was also thinking of getting another diaper bag but the backpack type so i can stuff all his things in & still have my hands free to deal with him while we're at the airport. but it is too pricey lah... about rm300 to rm500. madness or what. i read in this forum that one lady paid rm1700 for hers. gilos.
what present can i give him for christmas ah?
i recently ordered something for him & it will be delivered by october. not for christmas but i feel bad that we actually havent bought him many things. most of his clothes are either hand-me-downs or gifts from other people. but we, his parents, havent really gotten him anything. other than the cot & the car seat.
i want to get him some developmental toys. or some kiddy music cds or books. but then i'll need a small player to put in my room.
at the moment he has this to play with:

i so geram with him lah.
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