hello world
i am exactly 15 days old today
date: sunday 13 july 2008
i am exactly 15 days old today
date: sunday 13 july 2008
time: 1pm
weight: 3.19kg
weight: 3.19kg
height: 47.5cm
pantai medical centre kl
i delivered etha*n in week 38 of 40 i.e. 11 days early. it wasn’t really a surprise cos the gynea told me to be on standby from week 36 onwards. i was also “expecting” to deliver early. well, its more like i “hoped” that etha*n would come early as i could no longer take the weight of being pregnant. on my last friday at work, i had already planned to ask my gynea for a 2 week mc for the rest of the pregnancy. at 38 weeks, etha*n was already 3.19kg & i was 63.5kg (18.5kg heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight). if i had delivered later, i suppose etha*n would have been heavier & who knows if i could deliver him vaginally.
etha*ns doing well except for a bit of jaundice which he developed on day 3. the pediatrician at pantai told us to sunbathe him for 30mins in the morning & in the evening for 3 consecutive days. unfortunately, the weather's been a bit off since he developed it. we went to another pediatrician who told us that sunbathing does more harm than good & that we shouldn’t worry as its just a mild case of jaundice. the rule of thumb is that as long as he continues to poo & pee regularly & remain active, the jaundice will be worked out of his system on its own.
etha*ns a smiley little boy. in fact, i’ve caught him chuckling in his sleep a couple of times. muahaha... its a real hoot to watch. im lucky to see it though cos the husband hasnt had the opportunity to catch these involuntary laughs. so farnee.
hes now 2 weeks old & starting to show some manja-ness. at night he sleeps best when placed between the husband & i, which makes it difficult to train him to sleep on his own. i just don’t have the energy to keep getting up from bed & rocking him to sleep again & again. besides, the nurses told me to breastfeed in bed at night. its really cute to see him snuggle up to me though. in fact i’ve been telling him that he can only manja with me & the husband & no one else. hehehe…
check out his macho look:

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